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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Saturdays are Good Days!

:) This is just .... my blah blah blahing.. :)
This past saturday was good! I have been planning a family reunion for months and months and Saturday was it! We went tubing, rafting, and canoing down the Muskegon River! It was a blast!
One group was earlier than we were and left without us thinking we had already gone but the rest of us (25 people) all spent the next 5 hours getting sunburned to crispie critters and haven a ball!
We stopped at the half way mark which is an island and had lunch. My Mama made her yummy fried chicken and I had forgotten how good that home cooking is! The kids collected rocks and shells and an assortment of junk other river dwellers had left behind. And I hope that I got some good pictures but wont know til I get my butt to town to get the film developed!
We were supposed to be on the river at 1 and didnt make it until 2:30 but other than that it went off without a hitch! We were waiting for a few late bloomers that had called and told us they were on their way. So well after dark I rolled back home and BOY WAS I POOPED OUT!
I hope I can collect everyone up again to go next year even though some of the family says they really didnt want to be in the water.. lol Poor babies! no one else plans anything for the family and as long as I have to do it guess what!!! lol I like the river!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, that sounds like fun! Can I come next time? I love the river, too!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and voting for my little guy!
